Application Process
The Diocesan Foundation of Religion – Sanctuary of the Renunciation, instituted by the Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Italy, invites applications for the 2022 International Award “Francis of Assisi and Carlo of Acutis for an Economy of Fraternity.”
As stated in its Statute and the accompanying Norms (Part II, Art.1), the Award aims “to promote a renewal of the economy in the name of the universal fraternity of all human beings, beginning with the condition and the interests of the humblest and most disadvantaged, in the evangelical perspective of the unique fatherhood of God and his design of love for all of his children.” Applicants are asked to view the website www.francescoassisicarloacutisaward.com for full details of the Award (see “Statute and Norms”).
Download application form in in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
ENG – Application Process – evalutation grid – application form
- Applications are invited from persons, entities and societies, in any part of the world, but especially in the poorer regions, who, responding to their lack of opportunities and scarce economic means, come together, in cooperative ways and always collaboratively, around worthwhile project ideas in favour of the most disadvantaged for the development of their specific territories and communities. In keeping with the Award ethos, projects submitted are to represent initiatives, beginning as fraternal economic processes “from below,” that is, from the grassroots level. Projects will also be accepted for evaluation that began no longer than five years ago, accompanied by the requisite and relevant documentation. The Evaluation Commission will favour more recent projects that are worthy.
- The Award will consist of:
- a public recognition in a ceremony held in Assisi on the feast day of the Sanctuary of the Renunciation, foreseen as May 22, 2022;
- a monetary award, set at no more than Euro 50,000 for 2022, to be used exclusively for the realisation of the awarded project and to be disbursed as set out in the Statute (Part II, Art.13);
- a symbolic investiture of the “cloak of Francis,” recalling the gesture with which the then Bishop of Assisi, Guido, covered the young Francesco Bernardone at the moment of his public renunciation;
- the conferral of an icon with the logo of the Award (bearing the images of Saint Francis and Blessed Carlo Acutis).
- Applications will be admitted to the competition based on the following criteria:
- the completeness of the project profile (see n.7 below);
- its adherence to the ethos of the Award and the competition guidelines, as set out in the Statute and Norms;
- the presentation and details of persons actively involved in the project;
- references from local ecclesial authority and other relevant authorities, where the candidate is domiciled or the project is being realized.
- Projects initiated by and intended to be carried out by persons under 35 years of age will be favoured.
- Bishops, other recognized ecclesial realities, and entities of competent credibility may submit applications for deserving subjects upon their own initiative.
- Applications are open to persons, entities and societies of any religious denomination.
- In order to be admitted to the competition, candidates must download and complete the Application Form found on the website francescoassisicarloacutisaward.com, and must include:
- Name(s) and function of person(s) responsible for the project;
- Full contact details of person(s) responsible (address, email, phone, fax, etc);
- Location of project;
- Full description of project – aim, beneficiaries, implementation process, timeline, budget, other relevant details;
- References from local ecclesial authority and other relevant authorities, where the candidate is domiciled or the project is being realized;
- A presentation of no more than two pages of how the project reflects the ethos of the “economy of fraternity.”
- The Award will normally be conferred upon one candidate, unless a double award is decided exceptionally (cf. Statute, Part II, Art.14).
- Non-awarded applications may be deemed worthy of some recognition in a way deemed appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
- Applications will be judged by an Evaluation Commission.
- A historical and completed project will not be admitted to the competition.
- The closing date for applications is December 31, 2023.
Applications should be submitted in English or Italian by email and certified post (PEC for Italy is acceptable) to:
Segreteria per il Premio
Fondazione Santuario della Spogliazione
Diocesi di Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino
Piazza Vescovado, 3
06081 Assisi (PG)
Email: segreteria@francescoassisicarloacutisaward.com